It’s time to get to know Arizona! Did you know that February 14th is not only Valentine’s Day but Arizona’s birthday? Arizona became a state on February 14th, 1912! Here are some other fun facts:
The average temperature in the winter in Scottsdale is 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
Scottsdale has 314 days of sunshine a year.
There are over 200 golf course in the Scottsdale area.
Arizona has over 1200 hiking trails ranging from under one mile to 130 miles.
The saguaro cactus is indigenous to the Sonoran desert.
5 C’s of Arizona economy – cotton, citrus, cattle, climate and copper.
At 1,086 ft mean elevation, Phoenix is lower than the bottom of the Grand Canyon at 2,200 ft.
The Phoenix Zoo is the largest privately owned, non profit zoo in the USA.
Scottsdale was originally named Orangedale.
More Arizona info here: